The answer to the question why we sell our cottages is simply while we would like to renovate our 50 holiday homes. This is needed because most of our cottages are outdated and no longer meet the requirements that many people set for their holiday accommodation when they book a holiday stay. But since a renovation of all these cottages would cost around 40-45 million SEK (and possibly even more) and because a small family business like ours cannot make such investments on its own, the idea arose to sell our cottages instead.
The sale of our cottage gives us extra income, which can be used to ultimately renovate the houses that are not sold. The houses that are sold will be renovated by the owners themselves. Although a renovation is not an obligation for a buyer, we hope that each owner will want to renovate his own cottage, as a renovation will increase his own personal holiday experience with the extra comfort a renovation will bring. On the other hand, renovation will provide more rental income because most of our guests prefer to book a holiday home with more comfort and are happy to pay extra for it.
The combination of a higher rental price per week + more weeks of rental per year ensures significantly higher rental income for every owner, so that the costs of renovation are earned back quickly. And to encourage renovation even more, we are also changing the distribution of rental income from 50-50% to 60-40%, with 60% of course for the owner. When you build a whole new cottage, you even get 65% of the rental income!
But buying a holiday home in Långasjönäs offers you as a buyer many more advantages and we are happy to tell you more about them on this website. We see The Lake Project as a win-win concept. On the one hand, we give you as a buyer the opportunity to purchase your own holiday home for a very attractive price and with various financially attractive conditions. On the other hand, we as LCS will be able to rent out more renovated holiday homes, generate more bookings and more rental income.
The answer to why we have sold our cottages is simply because we want to renovate our 50 cottages. This is necessary because most of our cottages are outdated and no longer meet the requirements that many people have when booking holiday accommodation. But since renovating all these cottages would cost around 40-45 million SEK (and maybe even more), and since a small company like ours cannot make such investments on its own, the idea of selling our cottages was born instead.
Cottages that have been sold will be renovated by the owners themselves. We will manage and rent out the cottages.
And to encourage renovation even more, we are also changing the distribution of rental income from 50-50% to 60-40%, with 60% going to the owner of course. If you build a brand new cottage, you even get 65% of the rental income!