Cottages check-in: from 15.00 and check-out before 11.00
All cottages have a bucket, detergent, disposable mops and a cleaning mop. If you have ordered final cleaning, only points 1-5 need to be carried out. If the items below are not approved when the cottage is checked, you will be charged for final cleaning. Checks are carried out after check-out.
Is anything broken or missing from the cottage? Notify the reception desk.
Empty garbage, food items from the fridge, freezer and kitchen cabinets. Sort and discard in the correct container at one of the campsite’s waste stations (northern cabin village, service house or southern cabin village).
If you have rearranged the furniture in the cottage, it must be re-furnished.
Close all windows.
Rubbish / cigarette butts / snus must be removed outside the cottage.
Have you rented sheets and/or towels? Place these in a pile in the hallway of the cottage.
Air out duvets and pillows, vacuum mattress covers from dirt and sand.
Wipe down tables, chairs, windowsills and outdoor furniture.
Cleaning coffee makers
Wipe the refrigerator and freezer inside and out (do not turn off the refrigerator).
Vacuum carpets and floors (don’t forget under beds).
Wet wipe floors: fill bucket with water and detergent, put in disposable mops, wring out and attach to cleaning mop.In Basic cottages there is no hot water – boil a pot of water or use a tea kettle.
Lock exterior doors, leave keys and camping cards in the check-out hatch outside the reception entrance. Check-out time: no later than. 11.00
N02-13 + N15-16 and S01-12 + S14-S24
F01-08 + F10 + F12, S13 and N14-15
Empty garbage, food items from the fridge, freezer and kitchen cabinets. Sort and discard in the correct container at one of the campsite’s waste stations (northern cabin village, service house or southern cabin village).
Wash, dry and store utensils in their respective cupboards (in cottages there is no hot water – boil a pot of water or use a tea kettle).
If you have rearranged the furniture in the cottage, it must be re-furnished.
Close all windows.
Rubbish / cigarette butts / snus must be removed outside the cottage.
Have you rented sheets and/or towels? Place these in a pile in the hallway of the cottage.
Air out duvets and pillows, vacuum mattress covers from dirt and sand.
Wipe the sink (don’t forget the sink), shelves, kitchen cabinets (inside and out).
Wipe down tables, chairs, windowsills and outdoor furniture.
Clean the stove, oven and microwave.
Cleaning coffee makers
Wipe the refrigerator and freezer inside and out (do not turn off the refrigerator).
Clean mirrors (use a dry disposable mop).
Clean the toilet, sink and shower.
Cottages with a fireplace – empty the ashes and dispose of them in the correct container at the waste disposal site.
Vacuum carpets and floors (don’t forget under beds).
Wet wipe floors (fill bucket with water and detergent, add disposable mops, wring out and attach to cleaning mop).
Lock exterior doors, leave keys and camping cards in the check-out hatch outside the reception entrance. Check-out time: no later than. 11.00